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Congressman Nickel Introduces the Single Application for School Safety Act

Today, Congressman Wiley Nickel (NC-13), a member of the Bipartisan School Safety and Security Caucus, introduced the Single Application for School Safety (SASS) Act.

The SASS Act would help eliminate bureaucratic red tape by allowing schools to submit a single application to be considered for grants available under the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) programs for school security.

The SASS Act would allow schools to efficiently access federal funding for security measures such as security cameras, door locking mechanisms, intercoms, anonymous threat reporting systems, crisis intervention training and more. By consolidating applications, the SASS Act not only simplifies access to resources but also encourages collaboration in devising comprehensive school safety plans.

“The Single Application for School Safety Act is a critical step toward improving school security across the nation by making it easier to access federal grants,” said Congressman Wiley Nickel. “My common sense bill will help simplify the federal grant application process and cut through bureaucratic red tape that often slows things down. Doing so will help ensure that our schools and law enforcement agencies can access the funding and resources they need to keep our kids safe at school.”

Full text of the Single Application for School Safety Act can be found HERE.