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Congressman Nickel Welcomes Former Vice President Al Gore to Capitol for Meeting with House Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition

Congressman Wiley Nickel (NC-13) welcomed former Vice President Al Gore to the House of Representatives for a meeting with the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC).

“It was an honor to welcome my former boss and current Chair of Climate Reality, Vice President Al Gore, back to the Capitol for an important meeting with the House Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition,” said Congressman Nickel. “Our discussions emphasized the critical importance of continuing to fight climate change with innovative, bipartisan solutions. Al Gore's dedication and pioneering work on climate change have made a tremendous impact on our planet, and his insights are invaluable as we push forward with essential climate initiatives.”

The meeting covered a wide range of topics, including the need to build more long-range transmission lines and the critical climate investments outlined in the Inflation Reduction Act.

“As a coalition, we’re committed to supporting investments in green jobs, clean energy infrastructure, sustainable transportation initiatives, and climate-friendly policies. Together, we can achieve meaningful progress and safeguard our planet for future generations,” Congressman Nickel added.

The SEEC continues to be at the forefront of legislative efforts to address climate change, advocating for comprehensive policies that promote environmental sustainability and economic growth. Congressman Nickel was a former staffer for Vice President Al Gore from 1996-2000 and remains a strong advocate for climate action in Congress.