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Congressman Nickel Unveils Framework for Commonsense Immigration Reform, Border Security

Today, Congressman Wiley Nickel (NC-13) joined his fellow members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Immigration and Border Security Task Force to unveil a new framework for bipartisan immigration and border security reform that will secure the southern border, bolster the U.S. workforce, improve pathways to legal status, and help address the asylum system.

Throughout the 118th Congress, Congressman Nickel has repeatedly called on Republicans to join with Democrats in advancing common sense, bipartisan solutions to address the situation at the southern border.

Congressman Nickel issued the following statement on the framework:

“Like so many Americans, my constituents are worried that immigration and border security are being used as a talking point instead of a policy priority. I agree. Addressing the situation at the border shouldn't be a Democrat or Republican issue. It’s an American issue.

“Unfortunately, House Republicans continue to choose partisan messaging bills rather than bipartisan efforts that can get signed into law. While extreme House Republicans continue to waste time, House Democrats are working to find common-sense solutions and deliver results.”

You can find the Immigration and Border Security Task Force’s framework HERE.

Pictures from the announcement are available HERE.