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Congressman Nickel Supports Freezing $6 Billion in Iranian Assets

Congressman Wiley Nickel (NC-13) announced his support for freezing the $6 billion in recently transferred Iranian assets in response to the brutal and unprecedented killing of over 1,200 Israelis and 25 Americans by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hamas.

“There's no moral equivalence for what we're seeing right now as Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists murder, torture, and wage war against Jewish people and the State of Israel,” said Congressman Wiley Nickel. “We must hold the Iranian regime accountable for their role in supporting Hamas, and an important first step is freezing their $6 billion in assets currently being held in Qatar. Doing so will ensure that not a single dollar of this funding, whether directly or indirectly, goes to support Hamas, Hezbollah, or any other Iranian-backed terrorist organization in the region.”

Congressman Nickel serves on the House Financial Services Subcommittee on National Security, Illicit Finance, and International Financial Institutions. The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee includes financial support networks of national security threats, methods to detect and inhibit terrorism and illicit finance, and inter-governmental initiatives to detect and inhibit terrorism and illicit finance.

Additionally, Congressman Nickel joined members of the Blue Dog Coalition in a joint statement this week calling for the freezing of Iranian assets “currently under scrutiny and consider the full range of financial responses available to us.”