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Congressman Nickel Issues Statement on the National Defense Authorization Act

Today, U.S. Congressman Wiley Nickel (NC-13) issued the following statement on House passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025:

“America’s national defense should unite us, not divide us.

“House Republicans took the NDAA and used it to advance their extreme agenda on social issues. They pushed through amendments that hurt rather than help. They did not work together to strengthen our defense, our security, or our servicemembers.

“They added amendments that attack abortion rights, the LGBTQI+ community, and diversity initiatives. These amendments hurt the very people who serve our country. They take away freedoms and go against the values our servicemembers fight for every day.

“I could not in good conscience support this version of the NDAA with these harmful, poison pill amendments. I’ll work with my colleagues in the Senate and sensible Republicans to ensure that such damaging amendments, entirely unrelated to our national security, are not included in the final text of this legislation.”
